자바 HashSet 대 HashMap
자바 HashSet 대 HashMap
구현을 HashSet
기반으로 HashMap
하지만 고유 한 요소 집합이 필요할 때 사용 된다는 것을 이해합니다 . 그렇다면 다음 코드에서 동일한 객체를 맵에 넣고 두 컬렉션의 크기를 1로 설정하는 이유는 무엇입니까? 지도 크기는 2가 아니어야합니까? 두 컬렉션의 크기가 같으면이 두 컬렉션을 사용하는 것의 차이가 보이지 않기 때문입니다.
Set testSet = new HashSet<SimpleObject>();
Map testMap = new HashMap<Integer, SimpleObject>();
SimpleObject simpleObject1 = new SimpleObject("Igor", 1);
SimpleObject simplObject2 = new SimpleObject("Igor", 1);
Integer key = new Integer(10);
testMap.put(key, simpleObject1);
testMap.put(key, simplObject2);
출력은 1과 1입니다.
SimpleObject code
public class SimpleObject {
private String dataField1;
private int dataField2;
public SimpleObject(){}
public SimpleObject(String data1, int data2){
this.dataField1 = data1;
this.dataField2 = data2;
public String getDataField1() {
return dataField1;
public int getDataField2() {
return dataField2;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result
+ ((dataField1 == null) ? 0 : dataField1.hashCode());
result = prime * result + dataField2;
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
SimpleObject other = (SimpleObject) obj;
if (dataField1 == null) {
if (other.dataField1 != null)
return false;
} else if (!dataField1.equals(other.dataField1))
return false;
if (dataField2 != other.dataField2)
return false;
return true;
맵에는 고유 한 키가 있습니다. put
맵에있는 키로 호출하면 해당 키 아래의 객체가 새 객체로 바뀝니다. 따라서 크기 1입니다.
둘의 차이점은 분명해야합니다.
- A의
키 - 값 쌍을 저장 - A의
당신은 단지 키를 저장
In fact, a HashSet
has a HashMap
field, and whenever add(obj)
is invoked, the put
method is invoked on the underlying map map.put(obj, DUMMY)
- where the dummy object is a private static final Object DUMMY = new Object()
. So the map is populated with your object as key, and a value that is of no interest.
A key in a Map
can only map to a single value. So the second time you put
in to the map with the same key, it overwrites the first entry.
In case of the HashSet, adding the same object will be more or less a no-op. In case of a HashMap, putting a new key,value pair with an existing key will overwrite the existing value to set a new value for that key. Below I've added equals() checks to your code:
SimpleObject simpleObject1 = new SimpleObject("Igor", 1);
SimpleObject simplObject2 = new SimpleObject("Igor", 1);
//If the below prints true, the 2nd add will not add anything
System.out.println("Are the objects equal? " , (simpleObject1.equals(simpleObject2));
Integer key = new Integer(10);
//This is a no-brainer as you've the exact same key, but lets keep it consistent
//If this returns true, the 2nd put will overwrite the 1st key-value pair.
testMap.put(key, simpleObject1);
testMap.put(key, simplObject2);
System.out.println("Are the keys equal? ", (key.equals(key));
I just wanted to add to these great answers, the answer to your last dilemma. You wanted to know what is the difference between these two collections, if they are returning the same size after your insertion. Well, you can't really see the difference here, because you are inserting two values in the map with the same key, and hence changing the first value with the second. You would see the real difference (among the others) should you have inserted the same value in the map, but with the different key. Then, you would see that you can have duplicate values in the map, but you can't have duplicate keys, and in the set you can't have duplicate values. This is the main difference here.
Answer is simple because it is nature of HashSets. HashSet uses internally HashMap with dummy object named PRESENT as value and KEY of this hashmap will be your object.
hash(simpleObject1) and hash(simplObject2) will return the same int. So?
When you add simpleObject1 to hashset it will put this to its internal hashmap with simpleObject1 as a key. Then when you add(simplObject2) you will get false because it is available in the internal hashmap already as key.
As a little extra info, HashSet use effectively hashing function to provide O(1) performance by using object's equals() and hashCode() contract. That's why hashset does not allow "null" which cannot be implemented equals() and hashCode() to non-object.
I think the major difference is, HashSet is stable in the sense, it doesn't replace duplicate value (if found after inserting first unique key, just discard all future duplicates), and HashMap will make the effort to replace old with new duplicate value. So there must be overhead in HashMap of inserting new duplicate item.
public class HashSet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements Set<E>, Cloneable, Serializable
This class implements the Set interface, backed by a hash table (actually a HashMap instance). It makes no guarantees as to the iteration order of the set; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time. This class permits the null element.
This class offers constant time performance for the basic operations (add, remove, contains and size), assuming the hash function disperses the elements properly among the buckets. Iterating over this set requires time proportional to the sum of the HashSet instance's size (the number of elements) plus the "capacity" of the backing HashMap instance (the number of buckets). Thus, it's very important not to set the initial capacity too high (or the load factor too low) if iteration performance is important.
Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads access a hash set concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the set, it must be synchronized externally. This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the set. If no such object exists, the set should be "wrapped" using the Collections.synchronizedSet method. This is best done at creation time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to the set More Details
ReferenceURL : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5689517/java-hashset-vs-hashmap